About the Lake Winona Improvement Association

About the Lake Winona Improvement Association

The Lake Winona Improvement Association (LWIA) was founded in 1947 by a group of families with summer cottages on the West Shore Road. Over the past seven decades, the LWIA has developed into a lake-wide membership devoted to:

  • preserving the water quality and the land’s natural beauty;
  • promoting the safe, courteous and sensible use of the water;
  • encouraging friendly relations among members through social activities

Annual membership is $30. Members meet twice during the summer: June and mid-August.

Why Supporting the Lake Association is Important?

Your contribution to the Lake Winona Improvement Association (LWIA) is a small annual investment to ensure that the health of Lake Winona is monitored, that we have an organized forum for residents to express their concerns and become educated about problems, and work together towards solutions. And, as a dues-paying member you can vote on Association appropriations, amendments to by-laws, motions made by members during meetings, and the election of new officers. Even if you choose not to take an active role in the Association and its meetings, your contribution is a vital component to helping us:

  • Test Water Quality: For the past 30 years, water quality analysis has been a top priority for the LWIA. These testings show whether the water quality of the lake has deteriorated, improved or remained the same, and helps identify the location of specific problems so that corrective action can be initiated. Dues pay for 2-3 test each summer.
  • Keep Owners Informed: The LWIA works to keep all lake property owners informed of  important news and issues that impact Lake Winona. This is done through our website and enewsletter.
  • Preserve the Land: In years past, the LWIA purchased the 53-acre York and 20-acre Fog Hill Conservation Areas to be preserved and protected for future generations. In 2014, the Association used owner donations to purchase a 1.8-acre parcel that abuts the York parcel off West Shore Road. For all these purchases, Association dues pay the taxes on these properties.
  • Bring Legislative Change: As an Association we also have a greater influence on local and state governments. For example, when owners expressed concerns that ski crafts (jet skis) posed a high risk to water safety on the lake the Association provided the forum to discuss those concerns. Members voted to petition the state to ban ski crafts on Lake Winona and the LWIA filed the necessary paperwork.  In 1988, NH passed a law restricting ski craft operation on a number of lakes, including Winona.
  • Establish Directives: Our efforts from 2007 – 2009, to bring owners concerns over unseasonal high water levels, flooding of property and lack of operating procedures by the Mill Falls Dam to the attention of the state, resulted in a formal, established lake level and set of operating procedures for dam operators to ensure that level is maintained. While some may not agree with the state’s decision, please consider where we would be if the LWIA did not exist to gather and support owners’ initial concerns.
  • Support Other Organizations: The LWIA, on behalf of its membership, makes annual contributions to the New Hampshire Lakes Association to promote lake and shoreline protection on a state-wide basis, and the Loon Preservation Committee.

We need to continue to build and maintain a strong and active lake association, and we invite you to join us. It’s a small investment to make to ensure a healthy lake.