Bill Kobertz, President
Bill and his family have enjoyed every season at the geographical heart of NH except mud and black flies since 2015. Bill can be seen sailing (and sometimes capsizing) his 1970’s Sunfish. When he is not at his happy place, Bill is a Biochemistry Professor at UMass Medical School, where his laboratory investigates the proteins that maintain the rhythmicity of the human heartbeat. He can be reached at 617.966.0478 or kobertzw [at] |
Nora Foster, Vice President
Nora and her husband, Eric, joined Lake Winona in 2005 and made it their full-time home in 2009, leaving Boston for a quieter life in NH. She was LWIA Secretary from 2007-2016, initiating the LWIA’s annual Summer Social and Lake Host program during her tenure. She is currently on a quest to hike NH’s 48 4,000 ft. peaks (14 to go!). When she is not enjoying the great outdoors with her family or juggling the demands of two teenage boys, she works as a fractional CMO and marketing consultant. She can be reached at 603.677.6281 or norafoster1 [at] |
Linda Barnes, Secretary
Linda has been coming up to Lake Winona since 1978 when her mother, Florence Maddix, bought a cottage off West Shore Road. In 2020, Linda and her husband, Devon Thibeault, moved to Ashland, putting them about five minutes away from the family camp. She is a Professor of Family Medicine and directs the M.S. program in Medical Anthropology & Cross-Cultural Practice at Boston University School of Medicine. She can be reached at 617.290.8459 or llbarnes01 [at] |
Jay Buckley, Treasurer
Jay has lived on West Shore Road since 2009 and now enjoys traveling and volunteering, having sold his Holderness-based business, MegaPrint Inc., and retired in 2018. Jay is also a board member of the NH Music Festival and the Mayhew Program. |