New Hampshire Lake Host Program

Since 2015, the LWIA has administered a Lake Host™ Program on Lake Winona, a courtesy boat inspection program administered by NH LAKES in cooperation with local participating groups to prevent the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species, plants and animals, from waterbody to waterbody.
Infestations of invasive species such as variable milfoil and Asian Clams in our waterbodies are undesirable because: they make recreation in and on the water dangerous and unpleasant; they disrupt the ecological balance of waterbodies; they reduce shoreline property values; and they are difficult and expensive to control.
Lake Hosts (paid and volunteers) are responsible for:
- Greeting visitors both entering and leaving the boat launch area in the prescribed manner;
- Asking questions and completing other information on the Boater Survey;
- Distributing materials about the Clean, Drain & Dry law and evasive plants;
- Conducting a courtesy boat and trailer inspection in the prescribed manner, after asking the boat owner’s permission and inviting him/her to join you as you do the inspection;
- Removing all vegetation found (bagging “suspicious” plants so the local Point Person can send to the Dept. of Environmental Services);
- Thanking the boat owner when finished, and asking him/her to conduct his/her own inspection every time upon entering or leaving a water body;
- Reminding the boat owner to drain their vessel upon leaving the lake;
- Completing the Boater Survey each day you work, and providing these and a timesheet to the Point Person.
For more details on the NH Lake Host Program visit
Donate to the program through NH Lakes directly though this link online or by using the below form.