News from Lake Winona

Beautiful Weather for Annual Summer Social
The threat of foul weather passed, allowing twenty-eight lake owners to enjoy a fantastic day for our Lake Association Annual Summer Social & Breakfast Potluck on Saturday, August 10 at 9 AM. A big thank you to the Anchor Club for offering their lawn and beautiful views for our event and to Eric & Nora Foster for planning and setting up the event. The business meeting kicked off at 10:30 AM with a short agenda, concluding at 11:15 AM. Meeting…

LWIA Summer Social & Potluck to be Held Saturday, Aug 10
We will host our annual Summer Social & Potluck on Saturday, August 10. This will be a breakfast potluck format starting at 9 AM. Our business meeting will be at 10:30 AM. All Lake Winona owners are invited. This is a great opportunity to see longtime neighbors and meet newcomers to Winona. We hope you will join us. Bring friends and family…as well as a breakfast dish to share. LWIA will supply coffee, tea, water, orange juice, half-n-half, non-dairy creamer,…

June 22 Meeting to Be Held Virtually
The June meeting will be held on Saturday, June 22 at 9:00am on Zoom. The link for the meeting will be emailed the week before. The meeting agenda is as follows (additional items may be added): President’s Welcome (Bill Kobertz, LWIA President) Secretary’s Report (Linda Barnes, LWIA Secretary) Treasurer’s Report (Jay Buckley, LWIA Treasurer) Appropriations Approval (Jay Buckley) Election of Officers for 2024-2026 Term & Current Committee Vacancies (Nora Foster, LWIA VP) Lake Host Program (Nora Foster) August 10 Meeting/Potluck…

Great Turnout for Aug Annual Summer Social
The Lake Association’s Annual Summer Social & Potluck, held on Saturday, August 19, was blessed with a cool, clear day. Thirty-five lake owners and their families attended the event, bringing with them delicious breakfast items to share. A big thank you to The Anchor Club for offering their lawn and beautiful views for our event, Eric Foster for donating tables and chairs, and to Nora Foster for managing the event. The business meeting kicked off shortly after 10 AM and…

August 3, 2023 – Cyanobacteria Warning Lifted on Lake Winona
We took a sample down today and the warning/advisory has been lifted. The text from the NHDES reads: The cyanobacteria WARNING (ADVISORY) that was issued on 3 August 2023 has been REMOVED for Winona Lake, New Hampton / Center Harbor as of today 3 August 2023. The sample reviewed from today had a low density of 5,500 cells/mL of Dolichospermum. While the bloom accumulation has dissipated, NHDES advises that lake-goers look out for green surface accumulations in the future. Please…

July 27, 2023 – Cyanobacteria Warning Posted to Lake Winona
On Thursday, July 27, a possible cyanobacteria bloom appeared on the shoreline. A sample was collected and taken to NHDES in Concord. Based on a positive result, we received the following from NHDES: A cyanobacteria WARNING (ADVISORY) has been issued for Winona Lake, New Hampton / Center Harbor. The bloom was first reported today 27 July, appearing as green clouds of material along shorelines. See the image attached, taken 27 July. Samples collected and reviewed on 27 July had cyanobacteria…

LWIA Summer Social & Potluck to be Held Saturday, Aug 19
We’re changing up our annual Summer Social & Potluck by hosting breakfast. Lake Winona owners are invited. This is a great opportunity to see longtime neighbors and meet newcomers to Winona. We hope you will join us. Breakfast starts at 9 AM, business meeting at 10 AM. We hope to wrap up by 11:30 AM. Bring friends and family…as well as a breakfast dish to share. LWIA will supply bagels and toppings, coffee, tea, half-n-half, non-dairy creamer, water, plates and…

June 2023 Meeting Updates
The LWIA June meeting was held on June 24th via zoom, you can review the summary and full minutes on the Meeting Minutes page. We have 2 loon chicks this year and they are doing fine so far. The water quality reports for the end of last year as well as June of this year are available on the Water Quality over time page. We are planning our August in person LWIA meeting on August 19th at 9 am at…

August 2022 Water Testing Results
We received the water testing results back from the NHDES for our 8/16/22 testing. Due to some DES internal tech issues they were unable to provide results for e.Coli and Phosphorus. In general we’re in about the same place as previous years, though conductivity has an ongoing increased trend. We’re awaiting the full write up from the NHDES and we’ll post that when available. The August specific results are available here and the long term graph with these results are…

Winona Road Bridge Dedicated to David Reilly
Last year, the Waukewan Winona Watershed Protective Association (WWWPA) worked with NH State Representative Tom Ploszaj and State Senator Bob Giuda to sponsor a legislative bill honoring David Reilly (1946-2021), long-time Lake Winona resident and fierce environmental advocate for the Lakes Region. The bill passed in the NH House and Senate, and was signed by Governor Chris Sununu in May 2022. The commemorative signs, purchased by the WWWPA, were installed last week. Dave passed away in June 2021 with a…

Despite Heat, Great Turnout for 15th Annual Summer Social
The Lake Association’s 15th Annual Summer Social & Potluck, held on Saturday, August 6, was blessed with a beautiful, albeit hot 90-degree day. Over 40 lake owners and their families attended the event, bringing with them delicious dishes and desserts to share. Anchorage Rd resident Eric Foster handled the burgers and dogs with expert hands. A big thank you to The Anchor Club for offering their lawn, grill, lodge, and beautiful views for our event; to Lakes Region Tent &…

New Lake Owner Contact Books Available
The Lake Owner contact book has been updated. The directory is created and printed every other year by the Lake Winona Improvement Association for the use of Lake Winona owners only. Books will be distributed directly to owners present at the lake. Please contact Nora Foster at 603.677.6281 or norafoster1 [at] if you have not received one or you do not have plans to be at the lake this year and would like a copy mailed to you.

2022 Summer Social & Potluck to be Held Saturday, Aug 6
The LWIA’s Summer Social and Potluck lunch will be held on Saturday, August 6, at noon (rain date Sunday, Aug. 7). The Anchorage Club has graciously offered their location (located at end of Anchorage Rd) for the event. We’ll eat at 12:30, then review a few business matters at 1:30 pm. Burgers (beef and veggie), hot dogs, water and iced tea are being provided by the Association. Owners are asked to bring a dish to share. Please RSVP by August…

Free “The State of the Loon” Program on Aug 10
The Waukewan and Winona Watershed Protection Association is hosting Harry Vogel, Executive Director and Sr. Biologist of the Loon Preservation Committee on August 10that 6:00 PM at The Meredith Community Center. This program is free to all who would like to attend. Harry’s lecture “The State of the Loon” will be accompanied by a slide show with some incredible images of loons. The Loon Preservation Committee monitors and assists loons. They are a threatened species in the State of New…
June 2022 Water Testing Results Received
We received results back from the NHDES for the water testing done on 6/16/22. The long-term graphs are updated on the web site and can be seen here. The specific test results for all parameters of the 6/16 test can be seen here. Below are the areas we generally track and their June 22 values. Chlorophyll-a samples measure the amount of algal growth in the water column. Algae typically grow where there are ample sunlight and nutrients. Increases in algal…