Group Night to NH Music Festival Aug 2
A group night to the NH Music Festival is planned for
Saturday, August 2, 2013
Festival Program
Glinka: Overture to Ruslan and Lyudmila
Conus: Violin Concerto in E Minor
Yulia Iglinova Milstein, violin
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64
Tickets are $19 each
Join Jay Buckley (156 West Shore) for a BBQ chicken cookout @ 5:30 PM
Bring a dish to share and BYOB
Depart for the concert at 7:30
Concert starts at 8:00 at the Silver Center PSU
RSVP to Jay at 603-707-4117 (h) or 603-254-7747 (cell)
He will buy the tickets and pass them out at the cookout
To learn more about the NHMF, visit www.nhmf.org