2014 Summer Meeting Set for June 21
The Lake Winona Improvement Association (LWIA) summer meeting will be held Saturday, June 21 at 9 am. Jeanne Chute (900 Winona Rd) has once again graciously offered her wonderful yard and stunning view of the lake for our meeting.
The proposed meeting agenda includes:
- McManus property update
- Winnipesaukee Watershed Study
- LWIA Officer nominations
- Update on lake water testing efforts
- August Summer Social
- Review LWIA budget
- Vote on proposed 2014 fund appropriations
A reminder to lake property owners that LWIA dues are $25. Dues can be paid at the meeting or mailed (payable to LWIA) to Jay Buckley, P.O. Box 87 Plymouth NH 03264.
We hope you can join us.If there are discussion items you would like to have included on the agenda, please contact LWIA Secretary Nora Foster @ nora(at)lakewinonnh.org or call her at 603-677-6281.