Lake Waukewan Watershed Survey Report Available
Pat Tarpey, Executive Director of the Lake Winnipesaukee Watershed Association (LWWA), presented at our Association’s June 21, 2014, meeting about the LWWA’s initiative to update the 2005 Waukewan Watershed Management Plan. To develop a watershed-based restoration plan for the Waukewan-Winona Watershed, the group applied for and was awarded a Section 319 Watershed Restoration Grant by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Funds for this grant are from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency watershed grants program under section 319 of the Clean Water Act. As part of this plan, a survey was required to identify potential sources of pollution and sediment throughout the watershed. The 2014 watershed nonpoint source (NPS) survey focused on locating these potential sources. In total, 64 sites were identified through the NPS survey. Copies of the detailed analysis of the 2014 watershed survey of the Waukewan-Winona watershed were presented at the meeting. The full report can also be downloaded here http://www.winnipesaukee.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2014/06/Lake-Waukewan-Watershed-Survey-Report-9June14-final.pdf