Free Seminar on ‘The State of the Loon’ to be held July 16
The Waukewan and Winona Watershed Protective Association will be presenting “The State of the Loon” with speaker, Harry Vogel, Senior Biologist and Executive Director of the Loon Preservation Committee.
This free event will be held Wednesday, July 16, 2014, from 6 to 7:30 pm at the Meredith Community Center on Route 3 in Meredith. Mr. Vogel will talk about loons, the challenges they face, and the Loon Preservation Committee’s work to safeguard NH’s threatened loon population. Anyone who is interested in loons should make an effort to attend.
For information, call or email either Janan Hays, Vice Chairman of WWWPA at 603-279-4944, jhays@northstarnh.com or Deb Corr, Co-Chairman of WWWPA, at 603-279-6008, debcorr@metrocast.net.