2017 Summer Social & Potluck to be Held August 12
The LWIA’s Summer Social and Potluck lunch will be held on Saturday, August 12, at noon (rain date Sunday, Aug. 13). The Anchorage Lodge has graciously offered their location for the event. We’ll eat at 12:30, then review a few business matters at 1:00 pm.
Burgers (beef and veggie), hot dogs, water and lemonade are being provided by the Association. Owners are asked to bring a dish to share and lawn chairs.
Please RSVP by August 8 to Nora Foster at 677-6281 or norafoster1 [at] gmail.com to let her know you’re coming (we need a head count for grilled items) and what dish you’re bringing (to ensure we don’t get too many of the same thing).