New ‘Clean & Drain’ Law Effective January 1, 2017
The new ‘Clean & Drain’ law, initiated by NH Lakes, went into effect on January 1, 2017. Now all recreational boaters are essentially required to:
- Clean off all hitchhiking fragments of plants, animals, and debris on the outside of vessel before leaving a launch (this applies to invasive and native species)
- Drain their boats before leaving the ramp (this includes paddle craft and non-motorized boats, too)
- Open/remove drain plugs while trailering (if the vessel is equipped with drain plugs).
Draining Location Logistics:
- At our boat ramp, vessels will need to be pulled away from the ramp to a safe location where the water won’t flow back into the lake.
- NH LAKES is providing a portable “DRAIN HERE” sign to place at our recommended drain area.
Enforcement Mechanisms:
- There is no requirement that ramp owners enforce the provisions of the new ‘Clean & Drain’ law.
- Lake Host Inspectors will not be requiring boaters to clean and drain their vessels (as we do not have any enforcement capability). Lake Host Inspectors are educators and they will continue to offer voluntary, complimentary inspections to help boaters remove any visible hitchhiking material on vessels. Lake Host Inspectors will explain the ‘Clean, Drain & Dry’ aquatic invasive species prevention approach and the new ‘Clean & Drain’ law to the boaters, offer a new brochure that explains the law (see second attachment), and will suggest a location in the ramp area vicinity where the boater could drain their boat. Lake Hosts will also be reminding boaters arriving at the ramp to put drain plugs back in!
- Lake Host Inspectors will not prohibit boaters who do not clean and drain from launching.
- Lake Hosts Inspectors will not be ‘reporting’ boaters who do not clean or drain their vessels.
- Officers of the Peace (police officers, Fish and Game Wardens, Dept. of Safety Officers) have the authority to enforce the ‘Clean & Drain’ law and issue fines, but we understand that they will be focusing on educating boaters this year about the new law.
- NH LAKES will be running print and radio ads and issuing press releases about the new law.
- A new brochure will be available to lake associations for distribution to lake owners and visiting boaters. We will also post on our kiosk at the boat launch.
- The NH Dept. of Safety is including information about the new law with each boat registration they issue this year.