Winona Road Bridge Dedicated to David Reilly
Last year, the Waukewan Winona Watershed Protective Association (WWWPA) worked with NH State Representative Tom Ploszaj and State Senator Bob Giuda to sponsor a legislative bill honoring David Reilly (1946-2021), long-time Lake Winona resident and fierce environmental advocate for the Lakes Region. The bill passed in the NH House and Senate, and was signed by Governor Chris Sununu in May 2022. The commemorative signs, purchased by the WWWPA, were installed last week.

Dave passed away in June 2021 with a long legacy of helping the lakes, rivers, and ponds in our area. Not only did he give generously of his time, but he contributed financially to the environmental organizations in the Lakes Region. He was a founding member and Co-Chair of WWWPA, President of the Lake Winona Improvement Association (2017-2019), and a supporter of both the Loon Preservation Committee and the Lakes Region Conservation Trust. He was active in the Center Harbor Heritage Commission and a member of the Center Harbor Planning Board.
In addition to the bridge dedication, a granite bench and a serviceberry tree were installed last fall on the grounds of the historic Center Harbor Town House to honor his service to the Center Harbor community. Dave worked tirelessly to help preserve and protect Center Harbor’s natural resources and its beautiful old buildings, especially the 1843 Town House. The Center Harbor Selectmen, the Heritage Commission, the Planning Board and local and out-of-state donors agreed the historic Town House was the perfect place to honor Dave’s service to the community.
The “Autumn Brilliance” serviceberry was specifically chosen because it is a native tree with pretty white flowers in the spring, small berries for the birds in the summer and beautiful orange-red leaves in the fall. Moreover, its very name embodies “service,” and for most of his life, Dave Reilly was all about service to others and the community in which he lived.