Updates from the LWIA June Meeting
Highlights from the June 23,2018 meeting.
- Please go to the Protect Your Lake link to see the 2017 Lake Winona Water Quality Report.
- The Beaver Study Group reports that the “Beaver Deceiver” they built in the fall seems to be working. This allows water to flow under the dam in a way that does not disturb the beavers, so they do not block it up.
- The Lake Host Program is up and running.
- The Nominating Committee has volunteers for the open positions.
- Information for the website or for e-mail distribution should be sent to kate.hedberg@gmail.com.
- We have a nesting pair of loons and there are TWO eggs on the nest. The area is cordoned off and clearly marked as a nesting area. Please use care to keep this a “No Wake Zone” and keep your distance from the nest. New signage will be up when they hatch. This picture is compliments of Linda Heminway (with a telephoto lens).