DES Collecting Ice Out Dates for NH Lakes
Lake ice-out dates, or the dates of ice break-up, are the annual dates in spring when winter ice cover leaves a lake. Several studies in the last 15 years have used lake ice-out dates in the Northern Hemisphere as measures of climatic variability and change. Very few lakes in New England have been analyzed, even though a remarkable amount of lake ice-out data have been recorded and saved in New England during the past two centuries.
Changes in water resources over time may affect public and private water supplies and the health of aquatic ecosystems. The U.S. Geological Survey is studying the relationship between climate and water-resource variables in Maine and New England to provide resource managers, the scientific community, and the public with better information about the sensitivity of water resources to climate change and variability. The long-term collection and availability of high-quality water-resources data are crucial to these efforts.
DES would like to begin tracking ice out dates for NH Lakes. Lake ice-out dates, or the dates of ice break-up, are the annual dates in spring when winter ice cover leaves a lake. If you have any historical records, such as notes on calendars, including air and water temps, or any data you have associated with ice out, please send your information to Sara Steiner, NH Dept. of Environmental Services, PO Box 95, Concord, NH 03302-0095, or contact her at 603-271-2658 or